EBook Giveaway! Get your FREE copy of Into the Mist February 28 - March 4, 2025!

Progress Meters

Flight 3108

41642 / 41642 words. 100%

81839 / 81839 words. 100%
Twisted Fates

49000 / 80000 words. 61%
Chestnut Circle

87636 / 87636 words. 100%
Into the Mist

133217 / 133217 words. 100%

Award-winning author Sharon Mikeworth was born and raised in South Carolina, where she resides today.


Coming Soon

Also look for these upcoming titles:

Twisted Fates cover
Certain cover images licensed by Shutterstock, Adobe Stock, DeviantArt, and Fotolia.
 (919)912-1557  rivernationpublishing@gmail.com